Blueridge Vista Pumi Kennel (english)
- Please introduce yourselves and describe the place
where you live.
I’m of Hungarian
extraction, I was a child when my parents emigrated. My wife Nancy can be
almost considered to be of Hungarian extraction because her maternal
grandmother was Hungarian. When we met in the early 1980’s, we still lived in
New York State. We both enjoyed horseback riding and also competed as amateurs
– both of us in dressage and Nancy also
competed in eventing. At the same time
we were also into dogs. At the time we had rescue dogs and we showed them in obedience and agility.
At the time mixed breed dogs or those with no registration were not allowed to
compete in AKC dog sport or obedience events, but there were other
organizations which allowed these dogs to participate in their competitions and
earn titles. We were not interested in
breed shows then, so it wasn’t important to us to have purebred, pedigreed
Our 22 acre farm is in the northwestern part
of South Carolina, at the foothills of the famous Blue Ridge Mountains. We have
lived here for the last 14 years. Our area is popular among horse and dog
people, because of the climate, the environment, the lay of the land and the
easy access. We got to know the area and fell in love with it a long time
before the move. We decided over ten years before the move that we’ll settle
here as soon as it is feasible.
- When and how did you meet with the Pumi for the first
We never actually met a Pumi before we decided that we
wanted to get one. I knew about the Hungarian
breeds since my childhood from reading and from pictures, but here we could
only see Pulik and Vizslas in real life once in a while. The first Pumi we met was Asztro, when we
opened the crate he arrived in from Prague.
- Who was your first Pumi?
Our first Pumi is Asztro, whom we imported from the Czech
Republic at the age of 4 months, in the beginning of 2009. Just when we decided
to get a Pumi, there were no puppies available here or in Hungary. It came to
our attention that Bohemia Vivace Kennel still had 2 available puppies and we
immediately seized the opportunity. We
were lucky with his conformation, because at the time we weren’t experienced
with the breed yet; we didn’t even have
the intention to participate in breed shows – we were only interested in
agility and obedience.
- Tell us about your dogs, the establishment of the
kennel and the kennel name.
When we traveled to Hungary in 2009 with Asztro for the
World Dog Show in Bratislava, we were so much in love with the breed, that for
the first time in the long years of owning and training dogs we started to
consider breeding and decided to bring back with us a suitable bitch. This is
how Szikra, (Cseri-Subás Édes) who was 10 months old then, became our kennel’s
founding bitch. While we were in
Hungary, with a few hours of herding
instruction by Krisztina Menyhart (Vöröskői-Kondacsipkedő Kennel) I made more
progress with Asztro than previously in a few months of struggle with
instructors here in the US, who weren’t familiar yet with the Pumi’s herding
style (I was a total beginner in herding).
We got the inspiration for naming the kennel from the view
from our area, because the view of the Blue Ridge Mountains is
breathtaking. True to their name, the
mountains really look blue from the distance. We kept a bitch, Tisza from the
first litter, thinking of the new generation. In 2012 I brought back 3 monts old
Zenta (Cuidado Upbeat Ugró) from
Hungary, because we liked her lines; we planned to breed her to Asztro,
provided her adult conformation and temperament turned out to be suitable.
Their litter is 9 weeks old now.
Our third bitch, Thistle (English
for Bogáncs, her registered name) was born a singleton last year in May as a
surprise, because due to my mistake, towards the end of Szikra’s heat Asztro
got to her somehow - we kept her. Our young male Buda (Pattogó Parázs Buda) we
brought home from Hungary after the 2013 World Dog Show is also very
promising. Besides the 6 Pumik we also
have 3 English Cocker Spaniels and a Canaan Dog. Except for our younger Engie
girl who is now being prepared for obedience trials after a career in agility,
they are now retired.
- What sporting, working or other leasure activities do
you do with your dogs; are you participating in shows?
Primarily we train our dogs for performance events. We
successfully participate in agility and obedience trials with them. We go to breed shows as well and practice
show handling for that purpose. I herd with Asztro (Nancy does the agility – I
left agility when I started to herd) and we are doing well in herding trials.
At this time he has the most herding titles among the Pumik in America; he also
earned multiple titles in conformation, agility, obedience and coursing. Zenta, the dam of our recent “C”
litter competed successfully in her second
Novice Agility trial and
won first place with a perfect score before her pregnancy; in herding we
achieved the level that I’m ready to start trialing her. Naturally, our dogs,
besides training and competing, love to go on hikes, to swim, to play and just
to cuddle with us and play the role of lapdogs...
- Who are the prides of the kennel and its hopefuls?
The pride of the kennel is Asztro of course. He earned
titles in almost every dog sport. He passed
down his working ability and his conformation to our first litter, out of which
4 compete successfully in agility,
acieve good results in conformation shows; one of them is also working as a
therapy dog. Our latest litter looks promising as well, but the puppies are
only 9 weeks old; naturally it will take time until our hopes could become
reality. Buda is also one of our hopefuls, he earned the CM title by the time
he turned one year old. Last December,
at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championships in Orlando, FL he was BOB at the age
of 10 months. He also has a good herding instinct and his agility training is
going well. Thistle also carries
Asztro’s and Szikra’s best attributes
and she is promising in herding and agility.
Her conformation is excellent, but she gets bored in shows and she
doesn’t show herself well. She’ll most
likely prove herself as a brood
bitch. Zenta also got her CM fairly
early, she is very promising in herding, obedience and agility.
- What are your goals?
We would like to make the breed better known in the US and
appreciated for its unique qualities. We are striving to preserve – besides
their looks – their stable, dependable nature, their intelligence and their
working ability, and at the same time to produce healthy offspring. For this
end, we have all the existing DNA and medical screenings performed on our dogs.
- What do you feed your dogs?
We follow the results of lab tests of dog foods published
annually in the „Whole Dog Journal”. We choose our dog foods which contain the
most natural and best quality ingredients accordingly. We mainly use the
Nature’s Domain line of food from the
Costco chain and Nature’s Select (which is manufactured here in South Carolina,
with free home delivery). We make liver
brownie treats at home with the mixture of chicken livers, whole wheat flour
and grated cheddar cheese.- What is the Pumi’s status in AKC?
Since the Pumi is not fully recognized yet by AKC due to the
small number of dogs in the US, we can only show the breed in the Miscellaneous
Class which includes the breeds which are still waiting for full recognition
and subsequently getting placed in their proper groups. The winner of the
Miscellaneous Class can’t participate in
the judging for Best in Show. The title, which is the champion equivalent for
the Miscellaneous Class is CM (Certificate of Merit). Considering the increase in the Pumi population
in the US, we have a fair chance that it’ll take another year until we’re fully
recognized and placed in the Herding Group.
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